Naming Your Feelings 

When you name your feelings, you acknowledge their presence with the potential for acceptance and clarity. Naming the emotions engages both the emotional and logical centers of the brain. The more of you that is engaged in your own awareness, the more you will have to offer yourself in requires to presence, understanding, and possible resolution.


I have listed some names of feelings here to assist you broaden your emotional vocabulary as well as internal awareness. There are general categories, yet overlap and a mix of emotions is common. Remember naming the feelings is just a step to working with the feeling. The feeling could be present for a number of reasons and have a variety of appropriate resolutions. This step is just to acknowledge and accept.


JOYFUL: great – grateful – wide-eyed – festive – cheerful – positive – hopeful – elated – excited – receptive – pleased – satisfied – glad – happy – giddy –

LOVING: understanding – considerate – affectionate – admiring – tender hearted – devoted – empathetic – graceful – accepting – kind – sensitive – forgiving – endeared – cherishing – passionate – warm – touched – drawn toward – appeased

ALIVE: enthusiastic – eager – aware – earnest – spirited – playful – thrilled – in awe – optimistic – energetic – liberated – courageous – envisioning – motivated – attuned – intent

ENGAGED: concerned – curious- affected – fascinated – attentive – absorbed – intriqued – engrossed – nosy – invested – challenged – brave – daring – confident – expectant

PEACEFUL: calm – at ease – reassured – relieved – content – accepting – comforted – quiet – at rest

ANGRY: frustrated – irritated – hostile – accusatory – defensive – annoyed – worked up – infuriated – incensed – inflamed – bitter – resentful – offended – cross – distant – resistant

AFRAID: fearful – shaken – nervous – anxious – timid – restless – doubtful – scared – worried – alarmed – alert – panicked – suspicious – terrified – frightened – hiding – cowardly – gnawed at – concerned – tormented – tortured

APATHETIC: numb – insensitive – dull – nonchalant – neutral – uncaring – bored – disengaged – cold – lifeless – distracted – checked out

SAD: tearful – longing – grieved – anguish – pained – crushed – deprived – dejected – unwanted – injured – desperate – empty – unhappy – lonely – mournful – down – dismayed – victimized – heartbroken – agonized – disappointed – humiliated – something is not ok – alienated

HELPLESS: depressed – lousy – discouraged – ashamed – hopeless – powerless – shrunk – small – insignificant – guilty – wrong – miserable – despicable – terrible – in despair – bad – loss – incapable – alone – inferior – vulnerable – empty – forced – pathetic – dominated – belittled

UNCERTAIN: doubtful – embarrassed – hesitant – shy – distrustful – confused – perplexed – resistant – indecisive – pessimistic – disillusioned – unbelieving – skeptical – misgiving – unsure – uneasy – tense – reserved – rejected

JEALOUS: powerless – needy – longing – unreciprocated – unfair – unjust – overlooked – craving – escaping – insecure

POWERFUL: impulsive – free – certain – rebellious – moving forward – unstoppable – tenacious – thick skinned – strong – resilient – resourceful – achieving – successful- proud – secure


If you would like to not only recognize, but also clarify and resolve various emotions, sign up for an Art of the Heart session today!